Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Field of Dreams" in Compton

NBC recently covered this story & even though it's a couple days late, it's so worth discussing on our blog. It's the story of Tim Lewis - a little league baseball coach in Compton, California, who literally found a diamond in the rough. When he came across an unused baseball field in his Compton neighborhood, memories of his childhood summers on little league baseball teams resurfaced. An idea was born. He started his own baseball team for youngsters - all in the effort to motivate them, create teamwork, and keep them off the streets. But perhaps this is where the beauty lies in this story. Tim is homeless & is not shy about sharing his slip-ups in life. He admits to the mistakes he's made & is determined to be an example for the young men who look up to him. After NBC aired this story, many people wrote in asking to contact Tim & find ways to help him & his team. Because he is homeless, Tim has suggested people reach out to him through a family friend. Here is her contact info:

Ms. Clotilde Sanchez
1202 W. 130th Street,
Compton, CA, 90222

Here's the link to the MSNBC story: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/31434372#31432809

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