Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Company hires former pickpockets to put money into people’s pockets

In an alarming new trend, Londoners are being targeted by gangs of former pickpockets, who are slipping 10s and 20s into the pockets of unsuspecting victims as deftly as they used to take them out. It’s all part of an initiative funded by a local broadband provider to let the perpetrators give back to society, while brightening people’s day in this not-so-sunny economy. It’s called putpocketing. [Excerpt verbatim from The.Examiner.com]

More Below:

Put-Pockets hit London

A sly new marketing campaign turns former pickpockets into "put-pockets" on the streets of London.

Big city tourists and locals alike are told to be weary of pickpockets. It can happen anywhere, on the street or the bus, even while waiting in line.

Thieves work solo or in teams, and they always have a strategy. "The guy on the right distracts her, the guy on the left slips a hand into her bag and snags her wallet. There it is."

A British broadband company called TalkTalk is reversing this age-old scam. They hired 20 former pickpockets and magicians to roam around London. Their goal? Slip cash ranging from five to 20 pounds into pockets and purses. A 20 pound note is the equivalent of 32 dollars.

Along with the money comes a card saying, "Another brighter idea from TalkTalk."

"The London police are OK with it. Nothing criminal whatsoever."

Not a single put-pocket has been smacked by someone mistaking them for a pickpocket. Put-pockets say it's far easier than pickpocketing.

Story at link: http://www.volunteertv.com/ettm/headlines/55721887.html

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